集合点 1 7:00AM Rowland Heights (99 大华超市侧面Gale Ave 上和豆小厨餐厅旁 ) 1015 S Nogales St, Rowland Heights, CA 91748 集合点 2 7:45AM Pasadena(世纪游轮旅游) 2956 E Colorado Blvd, Pasadena CA 91107 集合点 3 8:30AM Pico House Los Angeles 424 N Main St, Los Angeles, CA 90012 早上,我们在9点左右抵达好莱坞环球影城。导游会事先给我们介绍影城的游乐项目,园区属于综合度最高的,有儿童项目,情怀类项目,刺激项目。同时,它也有非常多的电影人物游行,街头表演,与经典人物合照。可以重点玩几个项目,哈利波特魔法世界,辛普森虚拟过山车,水世界 ,影城之旅,变形金刚3D虚拟过山车,侏罗纪公园激流勇进。园内有各种小吃,饮品和纪念品可以随意购买。下午5点钟集合结束一天的行程,玩够8小时,时间充裕,园内灵活玩耍。
必付服务费 | $12/人 | 1. 给司机和导游 2. 大小同价,(0-2)岁不占座免费 |
【特别注意】所有7岁及以上的乘客必须提供完整的疫苗接种记录或出团前提供72小时内的COVID -19核酸阴性报告。 1. 部分景点门票价格会因季节调整,以当日景点价格为准; 2. 如您在出发前需要临时更改上车地点,请务必于出团日期前 3 天告知我们,以便我们进行协调安排;行程中不予做任何更改; 3. 由于出发日期不同或因季节性、交通状况,酒店,自然灾难,等不可抗力因素 ,世纪游轮旅游将保留调整行程和酒店的权利; 4.您的购买不保证确认。 旅行出发至少需要4名旅客,如果未满足最低要求,GCC 保留取消任何旅行的权利。 如果 GCC 取消,全额付款将退还。
A): 出发日期前 5天或以上:将收取总团费的 10% 作为罚金,余款将被退还; B): 出发日期前 4天以内:将无法修改行程和获得退款; C): 旅客如因任何原因未能在出发当日按时到场,则整个旅行套餐不可退款、不可更改、不可转让。
There are more than 20 nonimmigrant visa types for people traveling to the United States temporarily. There are many more types of immigrant visas for those coming to live permanently in the United States. The type of Visa you need is determined by the purpose of your intended travel. For an overview of visa types, please see Types of Visas for Temporary Visitors or Visa Types for Immigrants.
If your passport with your admission stamp or paper Form I-94 are lost or stolen, you must get them replaced immediately. There are a number of steps you need to take, learn more, see Lost and Stolen Passports, Visas, and Form I-94s.
As of 12:01AM ET on June 12, 2022, Traveler will no longer be required air passengers traveling from a foreign country to the United States to show a negative COVID-19 viral test or documentation of recovery from COVID-19 or proof of Covid-19 vaccination and no need to require to wear a mask before board the flight.
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